Education with Ethics and Excellence

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

Smart Class Rooms

The school has TechnologyEnabled Classrooms equipped with Interactive Boards and Plasma TVs to make the day-today teaching learning process in the classroom more interactive, interesting and effective. These classrooms equipped with latest Information and communication technologies tools help the students to comprehend difficult concepts, develop interest in various subjects, satisfy their curiosity and make the classroom learning environment more lively and fascinating.

Expert Faculty

An expert faculty has been recruited on the basis of qualification,experience and innovative teaching skills to ensure the child’s excellence in all learning aspects.

Individual Laboratories

To induce practical learning, a wide range of equipped and individual laboratories with qualified lab tutors are well established.

  • Computer Lab

  • Math Lab

  • Science Lab

  • Language Lab

  • Library

Extra Curricular Activities

The children are provided with various extracurricular activities such as skating, dance,chess,yoga,singing with expertise in their own field.

Bharathi International School, anabode of holistic development, considers participation in sports as an essential component of academic pursuits. Therefore, a comprehensive programme has been created in order to provide an opportunity to the students for nurturing their physical, social and personal development and to ensure development of various skills and competencies for playing different games and sports.

Extensive and impressive outdoor and indoor facilities for Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Badminton, Cricket, and various athletic events, Table Tennis, Chess and Carrom are available in the school. Specialized coaches are employed to guide and train budding players and children are being encouraged to take active part in various events at state and national level competitions.

Clubs for Social Activities

The Eco club in school insists the importance of saving our environment to students in various aspects.The students are bestowed with activities such as farming and tree plantations.The school offers a separate farm and land in which students involve actively in farming.


The school provides an effective platform for students to pursue different hobbies and give boost to their creative talents. Various functions and events are organised to celebrate important days and festivals and ensure maximum participation in these events. Educational Trips are organized on regular basis to give students exposure in different fields like leadership, team building, life skills, etc.

It is mandatory for the students to choose one hobby of their choice from the various activities like Karate, Instrumental Music, Dance (Classical/Modern), Painting, Yoga, etc. which have been introduced by the school for the benefit of the students. The students are also assessed for their performance in the hobby of their choice and are given grades accordingly.


BIS also takes a great pride in inculcating the traditional value and cultural value among students through various celebrations.

Healthy & Hygienic Food

A wide range of healthy hygiene food varieties for lunch and confectioneries are bestowed with love and care.

Outdoor Education

Our semester based external education plans are…

  • Monthly district visit to local special sites will be organized for kinder garden.

  • Inter – state tour at the end of odd semester and international tour at the end of even semester per year will be organized to the senior children .

Safety Transportation

School has its own fleet of buses plying on different routes fixed by the school authorities for the convenience of the students coming from many localities in and on the periphery of our school. Parents are advised to check up with the office at the time of admission / registration /new session, regarding the availability of transport for his / her ward and charges thereof.

These facilities are being provided on yearly basis and no discontinuation in mid-session is permissible.